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leadership process 1

Leadership can be best defined as a process. It is a complex and dynamic exchange relationship built over time between leader and follower and between a leader and the group of followers who depend on each other to reach a mutually benefitting goal.


  The role of a leader continues to change in a high-performance organization. Whether it is executives or supervisors, they both need to understand what high performance means and how to work together as a team to implement the right techniques and programs that deliver desired results. However, they must realize the extent to which they must be personally involved in this process and change themselves to do better. It is necessary to understand that high performance is a way of thinking about and managing the business. Leadership transformation begins by helping senior leadership define not only what they should be doing in the organization, but how they should go about doing it.


Leaders are people who take charge of activities going on in an organization or guide the activities of others within an organization. They are often seen as the focus or the mastermind of group activity, the people who set the tone of the group so that it can move forward in the right direction to attain its targets. Leaders provide the group with what is required to fulfill its maintenance and task-related needs.


Leaders are found and required in most aspects of society, from business to politics to region to community-based organizations as they play a crucial role in making decisions, articulating a clear vision, and providing knowledge and tools necessary to help followers achieve their objectives. This article discusses the common leadership styles used within organizations these days and how they help employees and employers work together in a progressive and competitive environment.


Transformational leadership

leadership process 3Transformational leaders are highly influential, and they serve as role models who inspire others to do well and move forward. This leadership style strives to improve the morale and job performance of team members by connecting with their sense of identity and the collective identity of the organization. A transformative leader is a visionary who motivates others and encourages them to think critically and out of the box, coming up with innovative ideas and concepts. Common examples of transformational leaders include politicians like Winston Churchill and business visionaries like Steve Jobs.


Participatory leadership

This is a hands-on style that enables leaders to introduce a more democratic dimension to management as compared to using a traditional top-down approach that does not seem very popular these days. This leadership style understands the value of employees in an organization and admits that employees are the real stakeholders in the organization and are entitled to their own voice. These leaders empower employees who are most affected by certain decisions to be a part of the decision-making process to address various issues they face in the organizations, depending on their capabilities and skills.


Former Southwest Airlines CEO James F. Parker is perhaps the best example of this kind of leader. He put the needs of his employees first after the 9/11 attacks. Instead of cutting back staff like other airlines at the time, he came up with a profit-sharing program.


Value-based leadership

Leaders who are focused on value take their teams forward by encouraging others to act the right way, following the organization’s shared core value. Dissertation writing services firm has its own opinion that these leaders do not focus exclusively on metrics; they work on values-based leadership drives that bring positive change by emphasizing the organizational mission and purpose. Employees can look forward to working with a leader who “walks the talk” and upholds the founding principles of the organization. This type of leader is driven by core values that are modeled and aligned with company values.


Abdul Kalam, former president of India and one of the country’s best-known scientists, followed this style of leadership. His personal and work ethics served as a model to motivate others in the development of the world-class Indian Space Research Organization.


Situational leadership

This model of leadership was developed by business consultant and bestselling author Ken Blanchard and behavioral leadership process 2scientist Paul Hersey. It provides a framework for leaders to match their behaviors to the performance needs of those they are working to influence. The Center for Leadership Studies explains that situational leaders must have the ability to diagnose an individual’s performance readiness to complete a specific task, adapt leader behavior based on the diagnosis, and communicate an influence approach in the manner that followers can both understand and accept.


It also holds that leaders should move forward towards higher performance, helping others follow in their footsteps. Former NBA Coach Phil Jackson is the most notable example of this type of leadership as he managed his team based on their individual strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.


Servant leadership

These types of leaders strive to enrich the lives of others by building better organizations and ultimately creating a world that is more caring and equitable. This term was first coined by Robert K. Greenleaf. The term servant leader refers to a person who makes a conscious decision to aspire and lead in a way that places other people’s needs as their highest priority.


There have been many studies indicating organizations that are servant-led perform better and yield higher returns. Well-known advocates of this style of leadership include Ken Blanchard, Steven Covey, and Larry Spears, who have helped to yield higher returns by helping others achieve success.


The process of leadership is complex, interactive, and dynamic, which leads to the development of a working relationship between leaders and followers. This working relationship, which may take years to foster, is directed toward fulfilling an organization’s maintenance and task needs.


The leadership process within an organization works hard to come up with an exchange relationship between the leader and followers. The leader provides a resource directed toward fulfilling the group’s needs, and the group gives compliance, recognition, and esteem to the leader that helps to achieve the organization’s goals.