• Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

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Child violence is any behaviour of a child that can harm a child. Child violence can be in the form of sexual violence, physical violence or emotional violence. The child violence is against the law and lots of laws are made to stop child violence. No doubt, the effects of child violence are very intense and these effects are long-lasting too. Some essential impacts of child violence can be in the form of shame, self-blaming, anger, sadness and nightmares etc. We can easily manage the child violence by educating the people. Some essential tips by dissertation writing services to manage child violence are given below;

Dissertation writing services
  • Set limits

You should tell the limits of violence to your children and strictly ask them to follow these limits. For example, you should ask your child not to abuse anybody. If a child still gives abuses, you should not accept excuses for the abuse. You should also try to make the motto of your house that no one can give abuse to anyone. You should also ask your child that he/she will be responsible for his/her violent behaviour. After setting limits for your child, you can easily manage the violent behaviour of your child.

  • Hold kids accountable and give consequences

While setting limits for your child in order to manage his violent behaviour, you should try to make sure that there are some consequences attached to these limits. After making sure about these consequences, you should also make sure that these consequences are set only for the learning purpose only. Its reason is that if you try to hold the kids without consequences, these limits will become a cause of stress and some mental disorders for the children.

  • Monitor the media in your home

Sometimes, there is a possibility that the children are seeking offensive behaviour from the media. Therefore, you should try to monitor the media regularly. You should also try to control the internet use of children. The best way to control children from bad behaviour is to track their internet use history. After monitoring and excluding the violent media from the home, you will be able to give a message to your family that violence is not going to be glamorized in your home. Therefore, your family members will also try to take care of it.

  • Be a role model for your children

No doubt, the parents are the role models for the children. As a leader of the family, if you are hurting any other member of the family, your children will also try to follow your track. Due to the lack of model shortcuts and poor problem-solving techniques, they try to show violence in their behaviours. Therefore, we can say that if the parents try to stop the violent behaviour of their children, they should try to be patient with each other. If the parents are not able to control their offensive behaviour, they should try to get help from someone else. Moreover, the parents should also understand that if they are doing some violent acts with their children, it is also against the law and their children can go into the court.

Jacob Davidson is a research writer affiliated with assignment writing service provider company. He helps and guides students in writing, editing their academic writing tasks. He also writes on social issues, problems of youth and other topics of his interests in his free time.