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Top Guidelines to Know about Footnote and Endnote

Guidelines about Footnote

Guidelines about FootnoteFootnotes and endnotes are almost the same. The main difference between footnotes and endnotes is that footnotes appear at the bottom of the page. On the other hand, endnotes appear at the end of the paper. As footnotes appear at the end of each page, therefore, footnotes can interrupt the flow of reading. On the other hand, endnotes appear at the end of the paper. That’s why the endnotes can’t interrupt the flow of reading. Both endnotes and footnotes are used to cite the sources. To use the footnotes and endnotes in your paper, you will have to follow some guidelines. These guidelines by dissertation editing services are explained below;

How to Use Footnotes and Endnotes for a Citation?

If you are going to cite the sources by using footnotes and endnotes, you will have to select a citation style. The best citation styles to insert endnotes and footnotes are Chicago, Turabian and ACS etc. It means that you can’t use the author-date in-text citations to cite the sources. If you want to cite a source, you will have to include a superscript number at the end of each sentence. It is used to include the information from a specific source. By using this style, you can include the necessary information like the author, the title of the work and date in the form of endnotes and footnotes. You should follow the guidelines of your advisor about the use of the citation style. If you will follow the guidelines of your advisor, you can also save your work from the plagiarism issues.

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How To Use Footnotes And Endnotes For Additional Information?

You can also use the footnotes and endnotes to provide supplementary information about your paper to the readers. For example, if you are creating footnotes and endnotes by using MLA citation style, you can direct the readers towards further relevant resources. In these resources, there will be information that is useful for the readers but it is not critical for the paper. While adding these additional resources in the endnotes and footnotes, you will have to think about some essential things. First, you should keep in mind the number of notes. Its reason is that if you will include too many notes, these notes will clutter the page. Secondly, you should also keep in mind the reader’s perspective. It means that you should try to provide such information that is convenient for them.

How to Insert Footnotes and Endnotes?

To write an academic paper, you will have to use MS Word. You can easily add endnotes and footnotes by using MS Word. To insert endnotes and footnotes, you will have to follow some essential steps. These steps are explained below;

  • First of all, you will have to place the cursor where you want to show the superscript number.
  • After that, you will have to click on the ‘Insert Footnote’ or ‘Insert Endnote’ from the ‘References’ tab. When you will click on it, it will automatically appear in the text.
  • The corresponding number of the endnote or footnote will also be inserted automatically. You can easily use it to add the footnote citation.
  • Now, you can type in your endnote or footnote.
  • By default, the footnotes will have appeared in the form of 1, 2, and 3 etc. On the other hand, the endnotes will appear with Roman numerals. If you want to change this default setting, you can easily change it by clicking on the ‘References’ tab.

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How to Format Footnotes or Endnotes?

The formatting of the footnotes and endnotes is also necessary for the students. To format the endnotes and footnotes, you should keep in mind some necessary things. First of all, you should not repeat the same number for more than one time. If you are using the same source for more than one time, you should also use a different number for it. These numbers should be included by following the chronological order. The font of the footnotes and endnotes should be smaller than the font of the main text. For example, if you have used 12-point font while creating the main text, you should use the 10-point font while creating the footnotes and endnotes. The numbering of the footnotes and endnotes should be continuous throughout the document. While adding the footnotes, if you have to include useful information, you will have to separate it by using commas. In the footnotes, first of all, you should add the first name of the author. On the other hand, in the bibliography, first of all, you will have to add the last name of the author. If you have to use titles of the books in the footnotes or endnotes, you will have put in italics.